Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Nitpicker

I just found this site and it's brilliant! I was reading Generation M #4 (yeah, I know, but I just got around to it), and I was thrown by two things 1) a 40-something man saying that he used to attend Xavier's school - back when they didn't accept anybody except X-Men, and 2) that this 40-year-old ex-mutant's identical twin brother was NOT a mutant!!! WTF??? So I went to google, and found this column, which hit the nail right on the head, and was apparently doing so for a while on all manner of books, so I'm adding it to my links now. Unfortunately, The Nitpicker is no more, since the CBEM ceased publication on July 7th, but the old columns are still available.
Go to either of these sites to read them:

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