Wednesday, July 19, 2006

JSA #87

JSA #87
A very disappointing ending to the series which started so excellently under the pen of James Robinson. So much has changed since then. I am looking forward to the new series, but for this entire arc, it really seemed as if this series were a doddering old man who knew he was dying but had nothing to do but wait.
Revelations: It turns out that Courtney couldn't touch or be harmed by the Gentleman Ghost since she's a virgin and he was once spurned by a virgin. LAME! It also turns out that Wildcat actually has some "noble" blood in him, and is thus destined to be the downfall of Craddock. Well, whoopdefreakingdoo.
What I really wanted to know about was the alternate DEAD Batman who showed up in issue #85. Unfortunately, we get no resolution in that area, and I expect the entire thing to be forgotten by the time the new series begins. The only cool part of the issue would have been the fight between Wildcat and Gentleman Ghost, and it was over in less than two pages. Genuinely disappointing. So, this entire arc had a huge leadup, and absolutely zero payoff. Oh, and apparently the JSA brownstone gets destroyed. EH. And based on the cover, Superman, Batman and Robin, and Wonder Woman have at one time or another been members of the JSA. Wonder Woman could be Queen Hippolyta, but Supes and Bats? I thought we did away with alternate Earths!? Whatever...just very upsetting and disappointing.

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