Friday, September 21, 2007

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax #1

Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax #1
That's actually not bad. It's just a one-shot where Kyle talks with and fights Parallax in the prison of his own mind. And then there's a twist at the end which rekindle's Kyle's sense of hope. Problem is, since his prison is one constructed by his own mind, or if not by him then by Parallax, why would such a detail even exist there in the first place? Unless Kyle subconsciously knew it to be the truth the whole time. I'm not going to ruin it, because this issue's pretty GOOD, and you should have the enjoyment of reading it for yourself. Even though nothing happens. If you're just in it for the continuation of the Sinestro Cops War, then I'm sorry, you've bought the wrong book. This book is a vignette. Nothing more. Sure, it takes place during the events of SCW, but it doesn't change anything. It doesn't even have any internal journey...except that of Kyle from despair to hope. And if that's not good enough for you, then, well, at least you know what to expect from this issue now, right?

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