Friday, April 13, 2007

Thunderbolts #113

Thunderbolts #113
Now why didn't I see that coming? Of course Osborn would choose to go after the Steel Spider next. Of course, I don't remember any of these supposed heroes. I suppose that's the point. Yet, it happens to be quite annoying. I know that I'm supposed to care about these unregistered superhumans, or tech heroes, or vigilantes, or whatever - man the Superhuman Registration Act is sooooo vague - but I still can't find myself caring for characters I know nothing about. Hey, Marvel? Howsabout giving us an "Essential Storylines" briefing for each of these characters, as DC is in 52? Also, the C.S.A.? I always thought that acronym referred to the Confederate States of America, but apparently not. Perhaps Ellis doesn't know that...he is British after all. Could someone please tell him?
I like the way that this entire issue is comprised essentially of vignettes featuring one or two of the characters. And not even a single fight! That's pretty good writing. Again, I find myself wavering between okay, and GOOD, but the Osborn scenes put it over the cusp. GOOD.

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