Monday, November 05, 2007

Sub-Mariner #5

Sub-Mariner #5
Well, now that we know that Namor is not dead, I can't say that I'm very interested anymore in reading the last issue of this incredibly EH series. What's most disappointing is that this series could have been much less of a waste. It could have been centered on Namor reasserting the power and status of Atlantis in the post-Civil War Marvel Universe. Instead, it's just a generic plot regarding terrorists who merely happen to be Atlantean, and a coup that is not a bit Atlantean in nature. Atlanteans are a different species from humans. So why must they always act the same? Ideally, a writer should utilize them as extraterrestrial beings living on our planet. Their culture and civilization are so different that it could be developed quite nicely over the course of six issues. Instead, we get throwaway material such as this. This series will not be remembered ten years from now, let alone next year. I'd hazard a guess that it won't even be remembered next month (if not for the imminent publication of the final installment).

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