Sunday, November 25, 2007

Midknight #1

Midknight #1
Interestingly enough, this is the first lacklustre title from R5. I say interestingly, because all their previous books have been incredible. This book is definitely interesting. And the craft is really good. It's just, well, I feel a bit like I've entered in media res - which would be fine if I'd had the slightest inkling of who these characters were beforehand. But, the fact of the matter is, so little actually happens in this issue to inform us, that we're really left pretty much in the dark even at the end of the book. It's a very pretty book, very Timm-like. I'm just not feeling it deserves any more than OKAY. I'll try the next issue, but if nothing happens, I'm out. But as I said, the rest of this company's titles are EXCELLENT, and definitely worth checking out, especially when such high production quality can still be provided for an industry standard price. It's cute that Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith (as Jay and Silent Bob) have cameos, rooting for a team which is *this close* to being the New Jersey Devils.

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