Sunday, August 26, 2007

Astonishing X-Men #22

Astonishing X-Men #22
EXCELLENT as usual. Better than Buffy, if that's not too sacrilegious. I've almost gotten used to the dreadfully slow pacing on this title. It's sort of like a television show. It even reads like one. Now if it would only come out monthly, I'd be entirely down with it. As it is, every time a new issue comes out, I have to reread the last one as well. And actually, that's a wondrous thing about this series: even so soon after reading it the first time, each book lends itself perfectly to being reread, with the reader finding new intricacies in the story and artwork in every rereading. When does the next issue come out?
This issue would be even better, if that's possible, if there were any chance that its ending would actually stick. But of course, that's not going to happen. But, oh, if only...

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