Friday, March 16, 2007

New Avengers #27

New Avengers #27
Lots of people liked this issue. I didn't. Thought it was CRAP, and I'll tell you why: no matter how much of a point they make about Echo/Ronin being deaf, she still responds to aural cues. She is able to carry on conversations with people wearing masks, in shadow, or entirely out of sight, or is spoken to by people who know she's deaf, yet still don't face her when speaking. I don't know if that's the artist's fault or the writer's. There's probably a bit of blame to throw at both. So, no. This issue was CRAP. Seriously, if it's so important to you that this character is deaf, and you keep playing it up in exposition, then please portray it accurately. And this isn't even the first time this has happened. The same exact thing happened in the early issues of this title when Ronin's character was introduced. She was able to carry on a conversation with Iron Man. Iron Man. Who doesn't have lips. Yeah, it's sloppy.

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