Friday, January 05, 2007

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes #25

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes #25
Well, the beginning of this issue seemed pretty messed up, as if Glorith were about to undo continuity the way she did prior to Zero Hour, but by the end of the issue, Valor was back (following the events of Superboy #13, I'd imagine), and trading blows with Kara. Brainy made the antidote, as we all knew he would. But that's tangential to the main plot, which still remains something of a mystery. It's not all a rehash, only the details are similar. Oh, and the shadowy hooded figure turned out to be Mekt Ranzz. And the Dreamgirl plot continues in Brainy's brain. At least we get a few pages of exposition explaining what's been going on with the anti-Legionnaires, herein dubbed The Wanderers. I still don't understand it very well, but I can still enjoy it. OKAY.

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